Glyphtal Varnish ГФ-046

Technical Specifications У 24.3-24010285-001:2002


 Glyphtal Varnish ГФ-046 is a solution of glyphtal resin in white-spirit or mixute of white spirit and solvent. The resin is modified by semidrying oils mixture and rosin.

Application: it shall be used in formulations of paste pigments to produce enamels, priming coats, putties and special purpose varnishes.


Table: Qualitative indices according to Technical Specification У 24.3-24010285-001:2002

Description Requirements as to Technical Documentation
superior quality first quality
1 Colour (iodimetry scale), mg I2/100 cm3, not darker than 80 160
2 Appearance Transparent, some opalescence is allowed
3 Purity Varnish coat, applied on glass plate, shall be transparent without any mechanical inclusions and small extrinsic particles Individual mechanical inclusions are allowed
4 Relative viscosity at temperature /20±0.5/°С (viscosimeter ВЗ-246, nozzle diameter 4 mm), с 80- 120 40 – 80
5 Weight fraction of nonvolatile matter, % 53 ± 2 52 ± 2
6 Acid value, mg, КОN/g, max. 15 18
7 Hardness of varnish film as to pendulum ТМЛ (type А), standard units, min. 0.11 0.11
8 Drying time to the point of 3, hours, max.

– at temperature (80±2) °С

– at temperature (20±2) °С




